If you happen to be single, or if things between you and your significant other aren’t as spicy as when you first met, you can subtly or vaguely suggest a threesome. Before you even bring up the topic, though, you will have to make sure that he or she is open to adventurous sexual encounters. A good way to get your spouse to agree to a threesome with a stranger would be by offering to let him or her to pick the third person. Everyone has sexual fantasies, so this should get your partner to say yes.
When the two of you have agreed to try it out, then comes the part where you “shop” around for an individual willing to join the two of you to make it complete. This shouldn’t be difficult because the internet makes meeting adventurous individuals quite easy. When you look for a suitable person, be sure to perform due diligence; get as much information as possible on the person you pick.
When you’ve phoned or made contact with your choice, then comes the rest of the planning. You should remember that this is not regular sex with your spouse, so make everything as comfortable as possible for the three of you. Find a warm clean and neutral location such as a good motel or hotel room. It would be advisable to go out of town for this, so that whatever happens there stays there when you leave.
Arrange a meeting with your pick and set a suitable date for the sex. Make sure that the three of you agree on how long the intercourse should last and what kind of protection you should use. Let him or her know well in advance, what you prefer or are willing to try. Filming the event is not a good idea since you never know where the clip might end up.
A threesome is a good way to blow off steam and spice up your life; it is not a good way to start a relationship with the third person. Therefore, do not exchange contact information or anything of the sort, with the third person, because this will only make things uncomfortable between you and it might send the wrong message.
If this is the first time you are trying out a threesome, then it would be best to keep everything simple. Only do what you understand or is familiar to you.