First things first. If you are unfamiliar with the term, “hotwifing”, the term describes both a philosophy of trust and freedom as well as the activity or even the lifestyle of hotwifing itself. Hotwifing might be limited to simply allowing or encouraging the attention of other men toward your wife, or it might include physical contact. This contact might be kissing or touching, or it might be more. The notion of another man paying attention to your wife, or if taken further, becoming romantically physical with your wife, can be a difficult notion to swallow for some men. Other men have found the more open way of thinking to be liberating.
Jealously is a natural human emotion, but like many other natural human emotions it isn’t always healthy for us, or for our relationships. Instead of bringing us closer together through jealousy’s frequent need to control, the opposite can happen; a wedge can be driven between couples creating distance. Hotwifing takes a different approach, with the attention of other men showing an interest in your wife it is taken as a compliment, and as providing freedom for your wife to experience feeling as beautiful as you know her to be. The excitement of newness which can come from this attention is a gift from others and an open expression of trust by the husband.
When both husband and wife see the benefits and accept this way of thinking, hotwifing becomes a new thing in common, a bond, and a joy in which both can share. Trust begets trust, and the foundation of trust upon which hotwifing is based can bring a husband and wife closer together as each learns that the excitement of newness is not a threat, but rather a way to bring new joy into a relationship.
Hotwifing doesn’t mean that jealousy is nonexistent; what it does seek is an understanding of jealousy’s insecurity and find the courage to overcome those natural insecurities. The idea is that even while married, a wife is always free, but as part of a hotwifing couple, that both husband and wife have agreed and given their trusting consent in regard to the wife receiving the attention of or even having physical interaction with other men.
Every woman wants to feel beautiful and attractive, and in their own way every woman is beautiful and attractive. Hotwifing simply acknowledges a wife’s beauty and attractiveness and allows others to make it known how beautiful and attractive a hotwife is. It’s a compliment, one which builds confidence and esteem as quickly as jealousy might do the opposite.
Many men want hotwifing, or at least fantasize about trying it in various forms, based on sexual fantasy. While hotwifing can be rewarding in regard to the fulfillment of fantasy, it is very real and based on trust. Fantasies may come and go, or change, each new fantasy replacing the last, but Hotwifing is about more than just fantasy. It’s a philosophy of trust and of encouragement, and one of freedom over control. Hotwifing can be a growth, individually as each abandons the shackles of jealousy, which can help a couple to grow closer together.
Do you believe that men can still love their wives even though they are involved in Hotwifing? Most women wonder if their men are really into them, reason being that their soul mate advises them to be intimately involved with other men. Some of these women may wonder if what they are being required to do is really possible. It is easy to come into terms with what these women are thinking of the Hotwifing issue, this is because these women have some outlook on how relationship should be and whatREAD MORE The term “hotwifing” means getting your wife to have sex with another man. In most cases, the husbands take pleasure in watching their wife enjoy this experience. They may also enjoy hearing, watching, or knowing about the adventures of their wives. At times, husbands may be a part of this arrangement by fixing dates for their wives or engaging in threesome. Hotwifing usually never starts when the couple is newly married or have just started living together. This will generally start only after a few years, when the coupleREAD MORE
So you want a hotwife? The fact that she is your wife does not prevent her from enjoying sex with other men. And the fact that you are married to her does not mean she should be denied sexual experiences with other men that she used to enjoy before you married her. The hotwife equally needs the pleasure and excitement that comes as a result of having new sexual partners. But the big question that people normally ask themselves is how they can turn their wives into a hotwife. InREAD MORE