My spouse Mary and I were Senior High School sweethearts. We married soon after graduation and being the great religious girl she was, she made me wait until our wedding evening to make love. She was a virgin, so we never experienced each other before that night. She happened to be a toy baby, nice caring fun and that is not her best features. She’s the type of girl that men cannot help but stare at her when she walks in a room. She has lengthy brown hair, large brown eyes, nice 32c breasts, perfect tight belly contributing to 120lbs. I on the other hand possess some problems within the sex area. I’m really small, no more than 4in and not thick whatsoever. I cum usually after about 5 strokes and just cannot get hard again. So ever since we got married, I truly haven’t been able to please her and I can tell that she gets frustrated. Being the sweetheart that she is, she never gripes though she’s unhappy. Probably the most I’ve been able to perform on her is all about 5 strokes, I quickly explode and it is over.
I love her so much that I needed her to be pleased sexually even if I wasn’t the one getting it done. So about 12 months into our marriage, I started to point out the thought of a much better lover. Not just someone with a much bigger c*ck, but somebody that could allow her to climax and experience some pleasure. In the beginning she was resistant, so I suggested we try out some sex toys, maybe a dildo. I convinced her to let me try it out; screwing her using the dildo, with hopes that she would experience some sexual pleasure. She unwillingly agreed. We mustered up enough courage to visit a “grown up store” as she called it to buy a dildo and other toys. We got something better.
We arrived near closing time and found out that we were the only ones left in the store. We walked in and looked around and after a few minutes a youthful guy emerged from the back. “How can I help you?” He was two decades old, thin, well-built and merely an exciting attractive guy. “Well, Mary said, we’re searching for a sizable realistic dildo”. I blushed, shocked by her boldness. He smiled, “there in the back” he described. I observed him checking her out, searching her body over. She was looking great that day. She had lengthy hair curled, flowing lower to her back. She’d sported a nice black top on revealing her belly along with a little cleavage, capped served by a brief set of jean shorts. Following a couple of minutes of searching for the dildos, he spoke up. “What do you need a dildo for?” he asked. He continued to describe that different dildos are made for various uses. Mary spoke up and told him that we needed a dildo so I could screw her. I instantly blushed again. She continued to tell him the entire story. He smiled and looked at me then back at her. “Well, here you go then.” He handed my youthful wife a sizable 7in. fat dildo. Because he handed it to her, he easily and with confidence checked her out, “You realize, this might help but nothing is better than the real thing.” With this he smiled and winked at her. She looked at me as though to ask, “What’s your opinion. I smiled and nodded at her. She looked back at him, “you said that as if you are speaking from experience.” “Really, I’m a little larger than this dildo.” He looked directly into her eyes as he said this, and then looked over at me for my response. “It’s okay guy, this is exactly what we would like. Following a brief conversation, he informed us that he lived right next door so we agreed to meet him there. Shortly after, he closed the shop and we followed him to his apartment.
We walked into the apartment and my hands were sweaty and my heart beating from my chest. Mary appeared calm and incredibly excited. I sat in a low chair with a stiff back in the family room and Mary was sat on the black leather couch beside the young man. They wasted virtually no time, it had been apparent that they were both attracted to each other. They started kissing and she instantly started to moan softly. He labored his way across her belly or more toward her tight black shirt and the fingers went lower to her cleavage because they hugged deeply. I was sitting there watching my beautiful young wife kissing a guy. I could not believe this was happening. My heart felt joy, it was fluttering, and I figured to myself, “should I stop this, will I regret this”? Something about really seeing her hot body in another man’s arm was incredibly hot mixed with jealousy. Just as I was discussing with myself whether I liked this, he was up and unzipped his jeans tugging out his huge shaft and at that point, I understood it had had been too late to turn back now. There he was before my spouse with his huge c*ck in her own face. It was very thick having at least 8 to 9 inches. “Wow”, she blurted out. “Honey see this, he’s fucking huge.” “Appreciate it sweetheart”, I rapidly responded. With this, I viewed her beautiful youthful lips open and consume his c*ck. It was so hot seeing her with his cock in her own mouth; I became turned on at the sight. She went down just a little deeper this time around plus they both moaned out. She started jacking his shaft together with her hands while she was taking his c*ck interior and exterior to her mouth.
Read Part 2…..
Before a couple decides to engage in this alternative lifestyle, they should understand what the concept means and what it entails. By definition a cuckold is a scenario where a wife (girlfriend) has sex with another man while her husband (boyfriend) watches. Although this lifestyle has never really surfaced out into the open like swingers, it is becoming more popular with every generation. Living the life of an amateur cuckold shouldn’t be too difficult, seeing as most men don’t really have a problem in regards to having intercourse with anotherREAD MORE
Several readers have written in and asked me if there is a difference between swinging and being a cuckold. The answer is a definite yes. To understand a cuckold relationship or lifestyle you must first understand what a cuckold is. The encyclopedia determines a cuckold as a man who has an unfaithful wife. The newer accepted description is or can be, a sexually inadequate husband who accepts his wife’s decision on who she alone will decide to have sex with. Now there are several types of cuckolds. Some cuckold relationshipsREAD MORE
Are you thinking of practicing couple swapping? If so, you are not alone. Couple swapping, conventionally known as wife swapping isn’t new. In fact, ancient Rome, Egypt and even tribes such as the Eskimos used to practice it as a part of their traditions. Today, couple swapping has become popular among the swinging lifestyle and is openly accepted by most couples. More and more couples are now becoming open about their sexual desires and fantasies with their better half allowing the free practice of this concept. Also, the advancement ofREAD MORE