Did you know that alternative lifestyles are increasing and 4% of Americans are in an open marriage? Welcome to the modern world. In the past, it seemed to be quite a taboo to have an open marriage. Many people who claimed that they had one were frowned upon. Nowadays, it is more common than ever. Sure, it isn’t quite the norm yet. Only 4% of adults in America admit that they are in an open marriage. However, those in this type of relationship are nowhere near as shunned as they were in the past. As a result, more and more people are starting to open up to the idea. This is great! You will be surprised at just how many benefits there are to an open marriage.
Obviously, the biggest benefit of an open marriage is the fact that you get to be with other people. A married person would be lying if they told you that they were not attracted to people other than their spouse. The human mind doesn’t work like that. You do not just stop being sexually attracted to people because you said “I do” at the altar. All marriage means is that you will no longer be able to act on those desires. Be honest, as a married person, how many times have you had the opportunity to have something more with somebody else, but didn’t due to your spouse? Well, if you are in an open marriage, then you will be able to seize those opportunities. If one comes your way, then go for it. It gives you something a touch more varied. Of course, you will also be able to look at those people that catch your eye, completely guilt-free. Trust me, the first time it happens, it is a completely wonderful feeling.
You do have to remember that when you are with a person for a while i.e. in a marriage, things can become a little bit stale. You have the same talks, you have the same sex positions, you have the same arguments. It is no wonder that so many marriages break down. You can love each other to the moon and back, but if things become boring then things are not going to last. Open marriage helps to prevent this somewhat. As mentioned before, it gives you the opportunity to be with somebody new. By being with somebody new, there is a good chance that you will be able to rekindle your love life back home. Many people who have experienced an open marriage have stated that being with others have given them a newfound appreciation for their spouse. You will very quickly be able to spot their traits which made you fall in love with them in the first place. You may even pick up a few new sex positions so you can rekindle your sex life too!
In addition to this, you may actually find that a bit of competition is a good thing. Many spouses, when in an open marriage, always want to make sure that they are ‘number one’ in the eyes of their partner. This means that they will go above and beyond to ensure this. When was the last time your spouse got home from work and made love to you straight away? Well, you may actually be experiencing that a lot when it comes to an open marriage. Things are going to get a whole lot more romantic from here on out.
Finally, an open marriage may teach you a few new tricks that you can inject into your relationship. We already talked about the benefits to your sex life, but an open marriage may also help you to develop yourself emotionally. You may be able to reignite feelings that you haven’t felt in a while. You can bring that back to the emotional connection that you have with your partner. Once again, countless numbers of people have reported that having an open marriage has been beneficial to their married life. Very few have reported any cons. Those that do tend to have a failing marriage anyway. The vast majority of people will receive a huge amount of benefit.
Of course, if you are interested in the idea of an open marriage, you are going to need to talk to your partner about it. Why not show them this article to prove your point? Maybe they will be enthralled by the benefits just as much as you are!
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