Picture posting in an online forum can be very sensitive since photos carry distinct messages to different audiences. Posting R rated photo unto a swinger’s platform will create a friction in the mind whether you should hit the “Upload” button or not. In the event that you decide to post such pictures, you may want to double check the security and privacy measures of the site before uploading your images.
Some people don’t seem to mind that their X rated photos are posted online. This is one of the reasons behind the success Instagram, “rate my looks” kind of websites or even the selfie for that matter. A lot of people post pictures to online forums in search of validations. Some go as far as altering their physical appearance to look more appealing in the photos they post online.
While some people may care about the types of images they have online, some don’t really care about whether or not they have posted explicit or non-explicit content to the internet so long as they can get accesses to the “upload” button. But for those swingers who really value the feelings and reactions of other internet users, there are some ways in which you can protect your identity while still looking sexy for your playmates to be happy.
Blurring your image is one of the best ways of protecting your identity and still keeping it sexy for your playmates. With the use of software like Photoshop, can you easily add a blur to your face or other identifying mark such as tattoos so there is no need to panic if you images are stolen or re-posted online.
You can take body shot images. From the neck down, so your face is not shown in the photo. You can also try taking a photo facing away from the camera so your photo will remain sexy but leaving your identity unrevealed. There are a lot of ways in which you can do this, just be creative and find a way to share your sexy self without revealing your facial identity.
On the other hand, if you are really aware that what you are posting is an x-rated photo, you should be cautious and aware of its audience. Restricting your photo gallery on swinger’s website to only those that you are interested in connecting with, is a great way to safe guard your images. Take full control of your photos, and you won’t have to worry later about them falling into the wrong hands.
It is in law, that one cannot take a photo of another and post it in public without that person’s consent. So safeguard the images you don’t want to share with the world and have fun swinging and meeting people online. A sexy photo goes a long way in the swinger’s community.